Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Where's the Beef? It's Smell the Coffee Time in the USA

Those of us, who live at ground zero in Taiwan, have long grown tired of hearing pundits and distant observers in USA media etc. judge things from a distance and spout or believe the pearls handed them by their past wine and dine Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) friends. For the past eighteen months we have heard those pundits speak in glorious terms about how the election of Ma Ying-jeou was going to solve all the problems in the Taiwan Strait, harmonize the triangle of the USA, Taiwan and China and allow everyone to become millionaires.


Promises, promises — but where is the loot?

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has pledged several times to divest the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of its assets and donate the proceeds to charity.

This, however, falls far short of the public’s expectations. Returning these stolen assets to the national treasury would be the correct way of displaying how determined the party is to reform.


Taiwan in 2010: The leadership contest

Taiwan's next year will be characterized by an intensifying contestation for political leadership between the faltering right-wing Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) government of President Ma Ying-jeou and the Taiwan - centric opposition led by the Democratic Progressive Party.

Beset by the pressures of the global financial tsunami and afflicted by its own incompetence and hubris, the Ma government has suffered a stunning erosion of public confidence while Taiwan's economy suffered its worst postwar performance with an estimated contraction of 2.5 percent that shattered the credibility of Ma's rash and misguided campaign promise to attain an average six percent growth pace during his term.


Beef debacle is Ma’s opportunity

Many people ask why the National Security Council (NSC) handled the Taiwan-US beef protocol instead of the Department of Health (DOH) or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The NSC later said it became involved because it was a matter of national security.

Now that the issue has gained notoriety, the Consumers’ Foundation (消基會) has expressed firm opposition to easing beef restrictions and both pan-blue and pan-green legislators reject the NSC’s and the Presidential Office’s handling of the case.


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The fifth legion of the army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command undergoes casualty care training at the Kengzihkou shooting range in Hsinchu County yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command conducted training yesterday in which all orders were delivered in English.

The training — held in Hsinchu County’s Kengzihkou (坑子口) area — featured simulations of troops ambushing enemy soldiers, including vehicles passing through the ambush zone.