Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China is Ma’s ‘opiate of the masses’

Public support for an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) is waning. Far from pulling back from the brink and saying thanks, but no thanks to Beijing, the government put on an orchestrated display with China over the Lunar New Year holidays, governments on both sides acting in concert.

First we had Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) talking to the Taiwanese business community in Zhangzhou, waxing lyrical about an ECFA.


February 28, 2-28, Taiwan Remains a Day of Mixed Emotions

One can always look at Taiwan in terms of the past or in terms of the present. Never is that brought home more than on February 28th. In terms of the present, today many are celebrating the victory of the DPP party in 3 of the 4 by-elections held yesterday. Again as a statement of no-confidence in the Ma administration's policies, and despite heavy campaigning by the KMT including President Ma, the voters by way of the ballot box re-iterated the fact that Ma's approval ratings and performance ratings remain low, a low that is somewhere between 20 to 30 per cent. So Taiwanese can be happy that they can democratically and freely express their disapproval. But 2-28 means more.


Are we on the brink of a new 228?

Taiwan today faces a repeat of the tragic 228 Incident that took place 63 years ago.

Following the end of World War II, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government sent Chen Yi (陳儀) to head its occupation of Taiwan. Chen, his underlings and the armed forces under his command plundered Taiwan at will, with no notion of the rule of law.


Where are the jobs?

The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) reported on Monday that Taiwan’s GDP expanded by 9.22 percent in the fourth quarter of last year from a year ago. This was higher than the previous forecast of 6.89 percent issued in November and much stronger than the market had estimated.

On a seasonally adjusted, annualized quarter-on-quarter basis, the momentum of GDP growth was strong, too, as the figure surged by 18.02 percent in the fourth quarter, following a revised growth rate of 10.18 percent in the third quarter and 18.10 percent in the second quarter.


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Two security guards yesterday remove a protester who broke into the legislature in Taipei during a legislative review of a draft media anti-monopolization act.
Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

Students from the Youth Alliance against Media Monsters yesterday held a lie-down, locked-arm protest at the legislature in Taipei, demanding that lawmakers on the Transportation Committee quickly pass a draft media anti-monopolization act.

Without obtaining permission to enter the legislature, about a dozen or so alliance members ran through a side entrance at about lunchtime and began a protest over the slow progress being made by legislators.