Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Investors ponder unknown knowns

Time flies. Some people might not have noticed, but the first half of the year has come and gone, at a time when many in Taiwan were still heatedly discussing the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China, which was finally signed last week.

With the arrival of the second half of the year there has been a noticeable jump in the temperature, as investors wonder whether to increase their equity investments as the economy recovers or take a break and lower their portfolio holdings over the summer.


No more 3D glasses, Mr President

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) needs to get his eyes checked. He’s obviously been wearing a pair of Avatar 3D glasses for too long, since he acts as if he can reach out and touch the projected benefits of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA).

It’s as if the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and its supporters took all the seats for Imax’s showing of “ECFA in 3D” and the rest of us had to make to do with the regular 2D format.


Ma, Wang disagree on ECFA review

While President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) are of the opinion that the legislature can only either ratify or reject the newly signed cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in its entirety and not amend it article by article, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) begged to differ yesterday, saying there have been cases in which the legislature has made revisions to international agreements signed by the government.

Citing examples, Wang said lawmakers had screened article by article the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the free-trade agreements (FTA) Taiwan has signed with its Central American allies.


Reflected glory is for the vainglorious

“Lu who?” was the response from many Western news anchors as they reported on Tuesday that little-known Taiwanese tennis player Lu Yen-hsun (盧彥勳) had defeated fifth-seeded Andy Roddick of the US in the fourth round of the men’s singles at Wimbledon.

Although Lu was crushed the following day by third-seeded Serbian Novak Djokovic in the quarter-finals, his achievement was no less remarkable for that. Despite being an unseeded player with a world ranking of 82, Lu managed to defeat Roddick, the world No. 7. By reaching the quarter-finals he not only made Taiwan proud but went further than any other Asian player in a grand slam tournament since 1995.


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Committee of Illegal Party Asset Settlement Chairman Wellington Koo (顧立雄) yesterday said the organization would return the ill-gotten assets obtained by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) during its authoritarian rule to their rightful owners.

During a plaque unveiling ceremony in Taipei, Premier Lin Chuan (林全) presented Koo with a seal and an appointment order, officially launching the committee.