Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The information threat from China

When hearing accusations that the US is pushing its values onto China and thereby attempting to sneak a democratic Trojan Horse through the “Great Firewall of China,” or trying to contain or weakenen China, we need to first look at the facts.

The US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, although obviously not unbiased, is attempting to do just that. Although most politically sensitive foreign media are blocked in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) — note that the recent political upheaval in far away Egypt was heavily censored in China — the PRC’s state-run media have a free hand in the US and other open societies. This begs the question what values is the US able to force on Chinese that China is unable to force on Americans?


‘Too early’ to assess Chen Shui-bian legacy: academics

Representatives of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) said it was “too early” to begin assessing his historical legacy, as government officials said they were unsure how to proceed with an official account of his presidency.

The Chinese-language United Daily News reported yesterday that Academia Historica officials have deviated from past practice by not writing an historical account of Chen’s eight-year administration.


Western Naivete, Taiwan and China's Continuous Manipulation of Confucianism

While China continues to open more and more Confucian Institutes (read that propaganda forums) around the world, within China itself, the past spirit and soul of Confucianism spirals downward in confusion as real politik governmental manipulations and fiats bounce against reality. The unchanging hierarchical structure of Confucianism has always made it easy prey for authoritarian rulers to justify their regimes and explain their fiats and lack of rule by law. Today's world of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is no exception, but sooner or later the chickens of those fiats and dictatorial efforts do come home to roost.


Arrests made in China amid online protest calls

Several top Chinese rights activists have disappeared into police custody as a Web campaign urged angry citizens to mark the Middle East’s “Jasmine Revolution” with protests, campaigners said yesterday.

More than 100 activists in cities across China were taken away by police, confined to their homes or were missing, the Hong Kong-based group Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said.


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The Hong Kong Legislative Council yesterday formally withdrew planned legislation that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, but the move was unlikely to end months of unrest, as it met just one of the five demands of pro-democracy protesters.

The rallying cry of the protesters, who have trashed public buildings in the Chinese-ruled territory, set street fires and thrown Molotov cocktails at police, has been “five demands, not one less,” meaning that the withdrawal of the bill makes no difference.