Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma must face historical KMT burden

The latest data published by the Ministry of the Interior on political party assets showed the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) made NT$3.5 billion (US$121.5 million) last year, with stock dividends accounting for almost NT$2.9 billion, making up more than four-fifths of the party’s total earnings.

The ministry’s data showed that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) promises to clean up the KMT and its assets have been nothing but a lie.

Getting rid of stolen party assets was a major goal for Ma when he first took over as KMT chairman in 2005; he pledged to dispose of all contentious assets, cease operating for-profit corporations and make the party “asset-free” by 2008.


Taiwan's "Seediq Bale" gets nod for 68th Venice International Film Festival

A Taiwanese film, "Seediq Bale" has been selected to show at the 68th Venice International Film Festival. This film directed by Wei Te-sheng will aid in bringing the true history, plight and identity of Taiwan into the public's eye and indirectly put to the lie the claim that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the mythic Chinese motherland.

The film relates primarily to the Wushe Incident in Taiwan's history, an uprising by one of the indigenous tribes of Taiwan against Japanese colonial rule.


Unrest in China’s Xinjiang region leaves 10 dead

China’s Xinjiang region was hit by a wave of violence at the weekend that saw 10 people killed by knife-wielding assailants and another four shot dead by police, state media and authorities said yesterday.

The unrest happened in the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar in two separate attacks and local residents said yesterday the city center was under lockdown, with security forces patrolling the streets.

Xinjiang has seen several outbreaks of ethnic violence in recent years as the mainly Muslim Uighur minority bridles under what it regards as oppression by the Chinese government.


GIO protests ‘China, Taiwan’ label for movie at film fest

The Government Information Office (GIO) has lodged a protest with the Venice Film Festival for labeling Seediq Bale (賽德克巴萊), which has been nominated for the Golden Lion award, a film made by “China, Taiwan” and demanded a correction.

Chu Wen-ching (朱文清), director of the GIO’s Motion Picture Affairs Department, said the protest was presented by the Taipei Representative Office in Italy on Friday.


ARS Film Production (果子電影公司), the producer of the film, also wrote a letter to the festival organizer, asking it to correct the name of the country of production. ARS said the film was not funded by China and did not employ Chinese actors.


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Former first lady Wu Shu-jen (吳淑珍), who is paralyzed from the waist down, must be taken to a prison hospital to undergo a fitness evaluation before a decision can be made as to whether she will be incarcerated, Minister of Justice Tseng Yung-fu (曾勇夫) said yesterday.

Speaking at a pre-Lunar New Year holiday news conference, Tseng said the Kaohsiung District Prosecutors’ Office has sent Wu’s medical records to Pei Teh Hospital — the medical facility connected to Taichung Prison — to facilitate the assessment.