Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT’s piggy bank is not for sharing

Politicians never cease to amaze with their brazenness.

The latest example comes from President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), who, apparently taken aback by the enthusiastic response of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) supporters to the DPP’s “three little pigs” donation campaign, took a swipe at the opposition party on Sunday, saying: “We store our wealth among the people and create opportunities for people to become more affluent, rather than send out piggy banks to raise money from the people.”


US needs to help protect free choice in Taiwan

It has become commonplace for Western observers to applaud the current rapprochement across the Taiwan Strait and praise the “relaxation of tension” it has brought. One example is the statement by Peter Lavoy, the acting US assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific security affairs, at the US House of Representatives’ hearing entitled “Why Taiwan Matters” on Oct. 4.

“We welcome these initiatives [by President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) government] and the relaxation of tension in the Taiwan Strait that has accompanied the improvement of cross-strait relations,” Lavoy said.


Pigs have taken flight

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has a lot to thank the Control Yuan for. If Control Yuan members had not instructed the party to return the piggy banks donated to DPP Chairperson Tsai Ying-wen’s (蔡英文) presidential campaign by three young triplets because they violated the Political Donations Act (政治獻金法), the party would never have hit upon the idea of a “little pigs month,” distributing piggy banks to supporters, who are then encouraged to return them filled with donations.


Memorial park to late justice minister Chen Ding-nan opens in Yilan County

Chang Chao-yi, widow of the late minister of justice Chen Ding-nan, speaks at the official opening of the Chen Ding-nan Memorial Park in Yilan County on Saturday. The opening coincided with the fifth anniversary of Chen’s death.

Photo: Yang Yi-min, Taipei Times

A memorial park in honor of late minister of justice Chen Ding-nan (陳定南) opened in Yilan County on Saturday, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of his passing.

Chen, of the Democratic Progressive Party, died of lung cancer in November 2006. He was known as “Mr Clean” because of his dedication to fighting corruption during his political career, which began with his election as Yilan County commissioner in 1981.


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Protesters display placards in front of Liberty Square in Taipei during a “Toward Victory” rally organized by Ukainians and Taiwanese supporters.
Photo: Ritchie B. Tongo, EPA-EFE

Ukrainians and their supporters yesterday held “Toward Victory” rallies in Hsinchu, Taichung and Taipei to show solidarity with Ukraine, as Russia’s invasion of the country enters its third month.

At a rally in front of Liberty Square in Taipei, dozens of people unfurled a 7m wide and 3m long handmade Ukrainian flag while singing the country’s national anthem.