Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ko Wen-je aiding tactics of the CCP

China’s desire to annex Taiwan is an inarguable fact and Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), who participated in the Sunflower movement in 2014, must be fully aware of this, too.

However, whenever people express opposition to Beijing’s “united front” work, Ko often challenges them by saying things like: “Why don’t you call to abolish the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement [ECFA] signed between Taiwan and China in 2010?”

By saying that, the mayor is essentially helping China to emotionally blackmail Taiwan.


Invasion threat increasing: Joseph Wu

Taiwan must be prepared to fend off a Chinese invasion, which has become more likely following Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) becoming the country’s “emperor,” Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) told Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin in an article published yesterday.

Xi’s consolidation of power at the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 20th National Congress and his policy pronouncements at the event indicate that the invasion threat is increasing, the article cites Wu as saying in Taipei on Friday last week.


War could be sooner than expected

Communist China plans to invade Taiwan, and history tells us that it is likely to happen sooner rather than later. The US and its allies must plan — and prioritize — accordingly.

US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday recently said that the US military must be prepared for China to invade Taiwan by 2024 or earlier.

“When we talk about the 2027 window, in my mind that has to be a 2022 window or potentially a 2023 window,” he said on Oct. 19. “I don’t mean at all to be alarmist ... it’s just that we can’t wish it away.”


Dutch lawmaker defies China pressure

Sanctions imposed by the Chinese government on foreign officials have only encouraged more lawmakers from around the world to visit Taiwan, as their relations with the nation cannot be determined by others, Dutch lawmaker Sjoerd Sjoerdsma said in Taipei yesterday.

Sjoerdsma is visiting Taiwan as part of a delegation from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). The group arrived on Tuesday.


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Student activist Dai Lin (林冠華) is to be posthumously commemorated in the “Taiwanese Pantheon (台灣神)” in a park owned by the Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation, foundation spokesperson Liau Kian-tshiau (廖建超) said yesterday.