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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Uighurs deported back to China are jailed for life

China has jailed two Uighurs deported from Cambodia for life, Radio Free Asia reported yesterday, showing no sign of loosening its grip on the far-western Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.

The sentences — and deadly clashes this week between police in Sichuan and ethnic Tibetans — come at a sensitive time for China as it attempts to ensure stability ahead of a leadership transition later this year.


Protest in Lhasa, China tightens security

Barkhor Square, Lhasa
Barkhor Square, Lhasa

DHARAMSHALA, January 27: A Tibetan man was arrested for shouting free Tibet slogans and distributing leaflets at Barkhor Square, the heart of the Tibetan capital city Lhasa, Wednesday.

Namkha Gyaltsen, 25, was arrested shortly after he distributed leaflets calling for freedom in Tibet and urging Tibetans to rise up and revolt against Chinese rule over Tibet.


US academic sees little progress in ties

A new analysis of the US Congress’ and President Barack Obama’s China policy might not be good news for Taiwan.

Robert Sutter, professor of international affairs at George Washington University, concluded in an analysis published on Friday that Capitol Hill would have “more bark than bite” this year.

The US Congress remains preoccupied with other issues and is “ambivalent” about reasserting its role in foreign affairs and China policy, he wrote.


What can Taiwan do for the US?

Two months after the US’ decision in September to provide defensive weapons to Taiwan and upgrade its fleet of F-16A/B aircraft, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech in which she said emphatically that Taiwan was an important security and economic partner of the US (“Clinton issues call for US ‘Pacific Century,’” Nov. 12, page 1).

Soon afterward, two senior US officials were sent to Taiwan to highlight the importance of US-Taiwan ties.


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The Presidential Office yesterday said it had asked the Taipei City Government to impose stricter regulations on the height of new buildings in the vicinity of Boai District (博愛特區) to ensure the president’s safety.

Boai District is a special zone where the Presidential Office and presidential residence are situated.