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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT hurt democracy, Tsai says

Former Democratic Progressive Party chairperson Tsai Ing-wen talks to reporters in Taipei yesterday, alleging that the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) manipulation of the Yu Chang case hurt Taiwan’s democratic development.
Photo: Li Hsin-fang, Taipei Times

Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday said the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) manipulation of the Yu Chang Biologics Co case has hurt Taiwan’s democratic development and added that the party’s collaboration with the media on the case during the presidential campaign was “vicious.”

The KMT government’s misconduct and the negative impact of the alleged case on Taiwan’s biotechnology industry were what really concerned her, Tsai said on the sidelines of a workshop on Taiwan’s economy organized by her foundation.


Fresh protests in Rebkong

Tibetans in Rebkong, eastern Tibet carrying out a demonstration
against local Chinese authorities on August 14, 2012. The banner in
Tibetan reads “District authorities are torturing the people.”
Tibetans in Rebkong, eastern Tibet carrying out a demonstration against local Chinese authorities on August 14, 2012. The banner in Tibetan reads “District authorities are torturing the people.”

DHARAMSHALA, August 14: After yesterday’s self-immolations and protests in Ngaba, fresh public demonstrations are being reported from Rebkong in the tradition Tibetan province of Amdo, north- eastern Tibet.

According to sources in exile with contacts in the region, around three hundreds Tibetans took to the streets today to protest against the local Chinese authority’s heavy-handed behaviour and repressive actions.


Tsai cleared of Yu Chang allegations

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Special Investigation Division (SID) yesterday closed its investigation into Yu Chang Biologics Co (宇昌生技股份有限公司), now known as TaiMed Biologics Inc (中裕新藥股份有限公司), clearing former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) of any wrongdoing.

The SID launched its investigation during the presidential campaign after Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers accused Tsai of manipulating investments by the National Development Fund (NDF) in TaiMed when she was vice premier in 2007. Tsai served as chairperson of the biotech company for several months after she stepped down as vice premier in May 2007.


Breaking: Two Tibetans torch themselves in Ngaba, One protestor beaten to death

DHARAMSHALA, August 14: In alarming reports coming out of Tibet, two more Tibetans set themselves on fire in protest against China’s rule over Tibet, Monday. There are also unconfirmed reports of a third self-immolation that took place later in the evening.

In more disturbing reports, following the self-immolations, local Tibetans carried out a protest in solidarity with the self-immolators, which reportedly resulted in the death of a Tibetan protestor.


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Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers yesterday said that if the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) were to select a China-born legislative candidate it would pose national security concerns, while the TPP accused the ruling party of employing “double standards.”

The TPP has come under fire for its rumored selection of Taiwan New Residents Development Association chairwoman Xu Chunying (徐春鶯), the wife of a Taiwanese man and an advocate for foreign-born spouses, for its list of legislator-at-large nominees.

The TPP has yet to confirm or deny the selection of Xu, which was first reported by Mirror Media on Thursday last week.