Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Human Rights Action Center Press Release On Chen Shui-Bian

The Human Rights Action Center sponsored a visit by two scholars well-versed in human rights standards and prison standards to investigate the conditions of detention of former President of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian, after four years of incarceration. Hans Wahl and Harreld Dinkins concluded that the lack of access to independent medical care for the former president was jeopardizing his health by needlessly exacerbating conditions and by contributing to the emergence of new medical problems. Mr. Chen was and is in dire need of good and independent medical care to try to mitigate or reverse these conditions, some of which may now be permanent and others of which carry the potential to be fatal if Mr. Chen is returned to his previous state of neglect.


British national Buddhist monk self-immolates in France

DHARAMSHALA, November 16: A British national Tibetan Buddhist monk has self-immolated within his monastery premises in France Thursday afternoon.

Speaking to Phayul, an official of the Nalanda Monastery, Labastide-Saint-Georges in Tarn district of southern France, identified the monk as Tonden, 38.


Group slams Next Media deal

Media activists yesterday urged the government to intervene to prevent politics from reaching into the press and controlling freedom of speech, saying that this freedom and the liberal media the nation has enjoyed over the past decades may be put at risk if Chinese capital gained control of the media.

The calls came amid reports that China Trust Charity Foundation chairman Jeffrey Koo Jr (辜仲諒) has asked Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團) chairman William Wong (王文淵) and a Singapore-based equity fund to join him in buying Next Media Group’s (壹傳媒集團) four Taiwanese outlets: the Apple Daily, Next TV, Next Magazine and the Sharp Daily.


Breaking: Tibetan woman self-immolates, Two fiery deaths in a day

DHARAMSHALA, November 15: Adding to the alarming escalation in self-immolation protests inside Tibet, a second Tibetan set herself on fire today in an apparent protest against China’s occupation of Tibet.

Tangzin Dolma, 23, set herself ablaze at around 12 pm (local time) today in Tsemo region of Rebkong, eastern Tibet.


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Office of Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Intelligence Deputy Chief Yang Ching gives a briefing at the Ministry of National Defense in Taipei last night.
Photo: Chu Pei-hsiung, Taipei Times

The Ministry of National Defense yesterday criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for holding a joint naval-air exercise 90 nautical miles (166km) off the coast of Taiwan, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the global community to squarely face up to the threat posed by China.