Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The rallying cry inside Democracy Camp was to free Chen Shui-bian (Photos)

ROC police surrounded Democracy Camp

My trip to Taiwan to investigate the fairness of Chen Shui-bian’s trial coincided with a month-long march around the island by the Taiwan Justice Rescue Force. The motivation for the march was to bring attention to the case of Chen Shui-bian, the imprisoned former president of the Republic of China in-exile.

The month-long march by the Taiwan Justice Rescue Force concluded with Democracy Camp, a four-day encampment outside the presidential office building in Taipei. A visit inside the protest compound was in order.


Kuo treated unjustly by the nation’s judiciary

On International Human Rights Day, Dec. 10 last year, the legislature’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee invited the Judicial Yuan and the Ministry of Justice to deliver reports on human rights and how to avoid miscarriages of justice.

The North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) affirms the request by the committee’s convener, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Yu Mei-nu (尤美女), for these reports and to speak up on behalf of those who have been wronged.


Advertisement US broadcaster denies China’s allegations of “encouraging” Tibet immolations

A screen grab of Tibetan nun Palden Choetso's self-immolation protest on November 3, 2012 in Tawu, eastern Tibet.
A screen grab of Tibetan nun Palden Choetso's self-immolation protest on November 3, 2012 in Tawu, eastern Tibet.

DHARAMSHALA, February 7: A major US based broadcaster, which has a widely followed Tibetan language section, has denied Chinese allegations of their involvement in encouraging Tibetan protesters to set themselves on fire.

Voice of America Director David Ensor in a release Wednesday said the allegations were “totally false,” while noting that the self-immolations are “tragic and a sign of distress in Tibet.” He further called on China Daily and CCTV to “retract their stories.”


Aquia Tsay calls for release of Chen Shui-bian and public vote on Taiwan status (Photos)

Aquia Tsay poses with his wife

During an on-the-spot interview at Democracy Camp in Taipei, Aquia Tsay explained what motivates him and others to march in support of imprisoned Chen Shui-bian. Aquia helped lead a month-long march around the island by the Taiwan Justice Rescue Force culminating in the Democracy Camp encampment outside the presidential office building.

Chen Shui-bian is the former president of the Republic of China in-exile now serving a lengthy prison sentence for alleged corruption. Chen was convicted following a controversial trial marred by procedural irregularities and is now hospitalized following four years of harsh prison conditions.


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Minister of Justice Wang Ching-feng (王清峰) said yesterday that prosecutors would look into allegations by former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) attorney that Chen was an “agent” of the US government.

Wang made the remarks at a meeting of the legislature’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee.