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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Tibetan monk dies in Nepal after setting self on fire

this picture taken from a cellphone shows the body of the self immolator, minutes after the fire was doused
this picture taken from a cellphone shows the body of the self immolator, minutes after the fire was doused

DHARAMSALA, AUGUST 6: A Tibetan monk died minutes after setting himself ablaze near Boudhanath stupa in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu earlier today (0730 hrs local time). The monk has been identified as Karma Nyedon Gyatso. Karma was from Damshung in Tibet and had arrived at the Kathmandu Tibetan Refugee Reception Centre on 30th January 2012.

An eye witness told phayul that the monk, probably in his thirties, was sitting crosslegged when she saw his lap on fire. "I thought he accidentally caught fire while lighting butter lamps. Then I saw him pour a bottle of fluid, petrol maybe, over his head and went up in flames right before my eyes."


Renowned toxicologist Lin Chieh-liang dies from pulmonary infection at 55

Toxicologist Lin Chieh-liang, who died yesterday, gestures during a conference in an undated photograph.
Photo: CNA

Toxicologist Lin Chieh-liang (林杰樑) yesterday died of multiple organ failure caused by a lung infection, said a medical team at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, where the 55-year-old had been hospitalized.

“It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of Lin, who died of pulmonary infection-induced multiple organ failure at 12:42pm today, despite our all-out efforts to treat him over the past few days,” hospital deputy superintendent Yeh San-jou (葉森洲) told a press conference.


The rise of people power

Some people believe the Republic of China is in a pre-revolutionary state. Although many scoff at this idea, saying that the nation’s democracy is in a good place, with a stable society and functioning economy, they may have to re-evaluate their position after Saturday, when more than 200,000 people descended upon Taipei’s Ketagalan Boulevard to protest the death of army corporal Hung Chung-chiu (洪仲丘).


Forum discusses DPP’s China, 2016 strategy

Ketagalan Foundation chairman Mark Chen speaks at a forum discussing the Democratic Progressive Party’s strategy for returning to power.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Comparing the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) China policy under former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and the party’s current policy is hard because of the rapidly changing dynamics of international politics, but there is no doubt that cross-strait policy during the Chen era was more than “eight lost years,” as some say, DPP members and academics said yesterday.

“The years between 2000 and 2008 were not lost years, but eight legendary, glorious years,” You Ying-lung (游盈隆), deputy executive director of the DPP’s think tank, told a forum in Taipei.


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Professor Hsu Shih-jung of National Chengchi University shows his bruises during a press conference at the Legislative Yuan yesterday. The bruises were caused when he was arrested during a protest against the Dapu houses-demolition case.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

A university professor who was arrested on Tuesday during a protest over the forced demolition of houses in Dapu Borough (大埔) in Miaoli County’s Jhunan Township (竹南) accused national security authorities of instructing police to use excessive force against protesters and urged President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration to stop enforcing repressive controls over its people.

“Most of Taipei City’s police officers were nice to me and I believe they were forced by national security authorities to handle the protest with violence. It’s the national security authorities that are uncivilized,” National Chengchi University professor Hsu Shih-jung (徐世榮) said at the Taipei City Council.