Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Kaohsiung rocked by underground blasts

Rescue personnel survey the wreckage after a series of explosions in Greater Kaohsiung early yesterday.
Photo: Toby Chang, Reuters

A series of suspected gas explosions that shook Greater Kaohsiung from late Thursday night to early yesterday morning claimed at least 26 lives and injured 269 people.

The blasts tore through the city’s roads and dug a 100m trench up to 1.8m deep. At least 1.5km of roadways were damaged.


Beijing-Seoul FTA suits Taiwan

Over the past several days, the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has rolled out the propaganda machine to alarm the public about the impact on Taiwan that a free-trade agreement (FTA) between China and South Korea would have. The question is, will the China-South Korea pact actually threaten Taiwan in any way?

Taiwan should actually welcome a successful completion of trade negotiations between China and South Korea, and the more liberal the agreement the better for Taiwan it will be. There are several reasons for this.


Premier in court over violent evictions

Protesters hold banners with Premier Jiang Yi-huah’s portrait outside the Taipei District Court yesterday, where he was questioned about the handling of the Sunflower movement protests.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Under a heavy police presence and with more than 100 demonstrators calling on him to resign, Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) yesterday afternoon appeared in court to face charges of attempted murder filed against him and high-ranking police officers in a private prosecution over the violent crackdown on protesters who briefly took over the Executive Yuan in March.


Control Yuan vote another hit to Ma

The legislature on Tuesday voted on President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) nominations for members of the Control Yuan during its second extraordinary session this summer.

While Chang Po-ya (張博雅) and Sun Ta-chuan’s (孫大川) nominations for the positions of president and vice president respectively were approved, along with 16 of the 27 remaining members, 11 of Ma’s nominations were rejected. Although the Control Yuan can continue to operate until the current term expires today, the outcome of the decisions will have a major impact on Ma and on the operations of the next Control Yuan.


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The Dalai Lama poses with Nobel laureate Lee Yuan-tseh, fifth left, Academia Sinica members Mou Chung-yuan, second left, former minister of education Wu Maw-kuen, fourth right, and others in Dharamsala, India, yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The Dalai Lama on the final day of a three-day dialogue with scientists in India yesterday spoke about the possibility of holding a similar meeting in Taiwan.