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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Scotland’s vote ‘a model for Taiwan’

The Constitution of the Republic of China (ROC) is beset with problems when it comes to authorizing powers to central and local governments, Taiwan Society president and historian Chang Yen-hsien (張炎憲) said yesterday, adding that the nation needs a referendum on writing a new constitution and stressing that the existing Referendum Act (公民投票法) must be amended to do so.

Chang made the remarks as Scotland’s historical independence referendum took place, to decide whether it would leave the UK and become an independent nation.


Taiwanese rally in New York to keep Taiwan free

Jason Chen and Melissa Daly, both of New Jersey, attend Saturday’s Keep Taiwan Free rally to show support for the island’s inclusion in the United Nations.
Photo: Chris Fuchs

Amid overcast skies and a steady rain that fell for much of the afternoon, more than 200 Taiwanese converged on Times Square Saturday to call for Taiwan’s inclusion in the UN, and to raise New Yorkers’ awareness of the island nation and its political struggles.

“If you want to love Taiwan, then you have to learn about Taiwan,” said Eric Tsai (蔡宗霖), 23, co-director of this year’s Keep Taiwan Free rally.


Parasites in business, politics feed on nation

Social responsibility is a collective duty of the public as a whole, which has its roots in morality and ethics.

All civilized countries and societies emphasize social responsibility. This does not only apply to individuals, regardless of their professions, it also applies to enterprises of all kinds, and the degree of responsibility increases as they grow in size.



Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times
Volunteer Kuo Yi-ling cries as she talks about delivering food to former president Chen Shui-bian at the Taipei launch of two books about former president Chen Shui-bian. “Delivering Food to Prison” is a diary by volunteers who deliver meals to Chen, while “A Ray of Light Through the Dark” contains correspondence between volunteers and Chen.Sep 15, 2014

Source: Taipei Times


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The Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday indicted Taiwan People’s Communist Party Chairman Lin Te-wang (林德旺), along with party members Cheng Chien-hsin (鄭建炘) and Yu Sheng-hung (余聲洪), over alleged contraventions of the Anti-infiltration Act (反滲透法) and asked the court to consider heavy penalties.

Lin, who had been a Central Committee member of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), has traveled to China as a representative of Taiwanese businesspeople in China since 2007, investigators said.

After the KMT stripped him of his membership, Lin in 2016 made a failed bid for the legislative seat representing Tainan’s first electoral district, prosecutors said, adding that he founded the Taiwan People’s Communist Party in 2017 and has been its chairman since then.