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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Chen Shui-bian deserves parole for health: rally

Members of the Taiwan Democratic Human Rights Platform protest on Ketagalan Boulveard in Taipei yesterday over the government’s treatment of former president Chen Shui-bian.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

More than 100 supporters of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) marched through Taipei yesterday, highlighting their demand that the government uphold his human rights.

The protesters, led by a new activist group called the Taiwan Democratic Human Rights Platform, called for the government to grant Chen medical parole so he could receive treatment at home.


Returning salmon or cross-strait sharks?

The tainted cooking oil scandal caused by Ting Hsin International Group (頂新集團) is perhaps the timeliest “National Day gift” Taiwanese could have given the Republic of China (ROC), this nation that does not seem to quite be a nation.

Newspaper editorials have condemned the Wei (魏) family who run the group as “rich, but cruel.” However, are they the only rich, but cruel family in Taiwan?


Groups call on Ma and Jiang to step down

Activists clash with police during a protest in front of the Executive Yuan yesterday. The protesters demanded that President Ma Ying-jeou and Premier Jiang Yi-huah step down.
Photo: Chen Chih-chu, Taipei Times

Groups protesting what they called high-level governmental officials’ lack of political responsibility toward an adulterated cooking oil scandal yesterday clashed with police in front of the Executive Yuan, while calling for both President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) to step down.

Taiwan Adequate Housing Association president Huang Yi-chung (黃益中) said that the Executive Yuan’s plans to establish a food security office was “a joke” and the nation would be much better off if Jiang resigned from office.


Boycott represents Ma’s failings

This is a fresh tale of official practices, or perhaps of the actions of an inferior government.

When Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Ting Shou-chung (丁守中) asked National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) in the legislature if he was boycotting Ting Hsin International Group (頂新集團) products, Kuan answered: “I support a boycott and I have already taken action by not buying their products.”


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US Senator Sherrod Brown has written to the WHO objecting to the organization’s referring to Taiwan as a “province of China.”

“I am concerned that the WHO has unwittingly entered into dangerous political waters that are contrary to its mission and detrimental to its goals,” the Ohio democrat said in his letter.

“The WHO is not a political authority within the UN and should not act as such,” Brown added.

The letter was addressed to WHO Director-General Margaret Chan and is in reaction to an internal WHO memo, which recently became public in Taiwan.