Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Lien Chan reveals hatred, ignorance

Former vice president Lien Chan (連戰) — father of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei mayoral candidate Sean Lien (連勝文) — showed his lack of understanding of Taiwan’s history and lack of sympathy for the Taiwanese who lived through the Japanese colonial period by calling independent mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je’s (柯文哲) father and grandfather “traitors” because they were educated under the Japanese educational system and once adopted a Japanese surname.


Hubristic, self-entitled KMT must be voted out

Where does the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) sense of entitlement — its belief that it should hold power throughout the nation, at all levels of government — come from? Is it from its glowing record?

Looking at the popularity of its representatives at city and county government levels, it becomes evident that their administrations are consistently rated near the bottom. The KMT mayoral candidates for Taipei and Keelung are harping on about change and transformation, as if their own party had not been responsible for the situation in those cities.


Obama lauds Taiwanese democracy

US President Barack Obama acknowledged Taiwan as a “thriving” democracy for the first time on Saturday in a speech on the US’ policy in Asia that he gave at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where he was attending the G20 summit.

In the speech, Obama said that Americans believe in democratic government and “that the only real source of legitimacy is the consent of the people.”


Uni-President confirms usage of tainted oil

Uni-President Enterprises Corp (統一企業) interim spokesman Tu Chung-cheng (涂忠正) yesterday confirmed that the company in 2012 used 47 tonnes of coconut oil intended for animal feed.

Tu said Uni-President bought the animal feed-grade products from its oil and fat-producing subsidiary, President Nisshin Corp (統清), and used them from Aug. 20, 2012, to Oct. 31, 2012. He said President Nisshin procured the problematic products from Ting Hsin Oil and Fat Industrial Co (頂新製油實業), which in turn had imported them from Vietnam-based oil manufacturer Dai Hanh Phuc Co (大幸福).


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The next 12 months will be a definitive period for US military sales to Taiwan, with US President Barack Obama having to make some tough decisions that could jeopardize the US’ relations with China, a Washington conference was told.

Bernard Cole, a professor at the National War College, said China was expanding and modernizing its armed forces — from ballistic missiles to submarines — in a clear attempt to “deter and delay” US entry into any military confrontation with Taiwan.