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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Sovereignty key issue for voters: poll

Taiwan Thinktank deputy executive director Lai I-chung yesterday presents the results of an opinion poll at a press conference in Taipei.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

A majority of Taiwanese believe the nation’s presidential candidates should make an unequivocal statement that Taiwan is not part of China, according to a Taiwan Thinktank survey released yesterday.


Cash brings culture of corruption

There is a saying that goes: “Money can’t buy everything, but without it, you can’t do anything.”

Then there is the Taiwanese proverb: “The children of the wealthy never turn out well.”

What ties these expressions together? Money: what it gets you, and what too much begets.


Ting Hsin verdicts condemned

A man named Wang Hsi-ho holds a placard outside the Tainan Railway Station yesterday to urge the public to boycott Ting Hsin International Group’s food products.
Photo: Tsai Wen-chu, Taipei Times

The pan-green and pan-blue camps shared a rare moment of solidarity yesterday, with politicians from both sides attacking the not guilty verdicts handed down on Friday by the Changhua District Court to Ting Hsin International Group (頂新集團) executives accused of being criminally culpable over 2013’s tainted cooking oil scandal.


The spirit and letter of the law

Former Council of Labor Affairs minister Jennifer Wang (王如玄) has become the latest politician to discover, much to their chagrin, that running for higher office brings with it a greater scrutiny of their professional and personal life.

While she and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) might have expected her to face criticism after KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) chose her as his running mate for the Jan. 16 presidential election, they probably were not expecting the firestorm that has erupted over her living arrangements and real-estate dealings.


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US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates yesterday chided China for suspending military ties over US arms sales to Taiwan, saying Beijing’s stance “makes little sense.”

Renewing his call for stronger relations between the Chinese and US militaries, Gates said such a dialogue should not be “held hostage” over the weapons sales.