Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Reject Beijing, ‘consensus,’ TSU says

Taiwan Solidarity Union legislators yesterday hold a news conference at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei, urging the government to take a more forceful response to China’s obstruction of Taiwan’s participation in this year’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) assembly in Canada.
Photo: Huang Yao-cheng, Taipei Times

The Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) yesterday urged the government to take measures in response to China’s obstruction of Taiwan’s participation in this year’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) assembly in Canada, with the party calling on the government to openly denounce Beijing and reject the so-called “1992 consensus.”


Divide and rule: The blue eight for Beijing

A delegation of six Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) local government leaders and two independents traveled to Beijing to offer their acceptance of the “1992 consensus” and request that the cities and counties under their administration be given preferential tourism treatment by China.

The “blue eight” might be moving in the gray areas of Taiwanese legislation, but the issue of whether they are living up to their political responsibility must be looked into.


New high for KMT shamelessness

One might be forgiven for feeling a bit sorry for a struggling 104-year-old who has lost track of their fortune and fears being reduced to penury in their declining years.

One might, unless the centenarian is the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), whose fortune grew exponentially over the five decades it ruled Taiwan with an iron fist and whose injuries are entirely self-inflicted.


Just a typo: bank’s latest excuse fails to convince

The turbulence surrounding Mega International Commercial Bank and the hefty fine levied on its New York branch has been going on for almost a month. The most recent explanation offered for the incident is that it was a “typographical error.”

The Executive Yuan’s task force overseeing the Mega Bank case has revealed that credit transactions between the bank’s Panama and New York branches in 2014 reached a total of US$491 million, but the report from the New York branch to the New York Department of Financial Services stated that the amount was mistakenly given as US$4.491 billion, and that this resulted in a misunderstanding.


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Two US companies that sell Internet addresses to Web sites said on Wednesday they had stopped registering new domain names in China because the Chinese government has begun demanding pictures and other identification documents from their customers.

One of the domain name companies, Go Daddy Inc, announced its change in policy at a congressional hearing that was largely devoted to Google Inc’s announcement on Monday that it will no longer censor Internet search results in China.