Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Title change is a shift in relationship with Japan

That the former Association of East Asian Relations has been renamed the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association indicates a subtle, yet important change in the relationship between the two nations.

The juxtaposition of Taiwan next to Japan in the organization’s official name suggests that Taiwan is now finally being treated as an equal by Japan. Taiwanese welcomed the change, as it is a gesture of Japanese goodwill.


China trying to divide the nation

Taiwanese human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲) has now been missing for more than two months. People know nothing about his physical and mental health except for what China’s Taiwan Affairs Office has said. By detaining Lee, the Chinese government has deprived him of his basic human rights.

When he was first detained, Beijing sent a letter to Lee’s wife, Lee Ching-yu (李凈瑜), via a man named Lee Chun-min (李俊敏), which is odd.


Time to do away with ‘Year of the Republic’

For many years, I have wondered if there was a possibility of replacing the Republic of China (ROC) chronology with the internationally accepted date format.

Saturday marked the anniversary of President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government’s first year in office. Perhaps this would be a good moment for the public to take a calm and detached look at the issue and reach an agreement that could be presented to the government in the hope that it would consider public opinion in future government policy.


US-Taiwan ties should be reoriented: Stephen Yates

Stephen Yates, former US deputy national security adviser to former US vice president Dick Cheney, speaks yesterday at a forum in Taipei organized by the World Taiwanese Congress and Taiwan Nation Alliance.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

As US President Donald Trump’s administration is committed to its “America first” foreign policy, Taiwan-US relations should be reoriented toward increased business ties, defense cooperation and a high-level dialogue mechanism, Idaho Republican Party chairman Stephen Yates yesterday told a forum in Taipei organized by the World Taiwanese Congress and the Taiwan Nation Alliance.


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The cross-strait service trade agreement is a “perfect political agreement” to bring Taiwan into China’s fold and presents no economic benefits to Taiwan, US academic John Tkacik said.

Tkacik, senior fellow at the Virginia-based International Assessment and Strategy Center, made the remarks on Saturday at a forum in Taipei hosted by the World Taiwanese Congress and the Taiwan National Alliance.