Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Aborigine advocates quarrel over law

Younger Aboriginal rights protesters yesterday argued with government officials and older campaigners over how to grant official recognition to Pingpu Aborigines at the final Council of Indigenous Peoples consultative forum.

“Pingpu” is a general term used for Aborigines originally living in lowland areas and who were considered more “assimilated” than Aborigines who lived in mountainous areas or the east coast during Japanese colonial rule.


US travel bill clears first hurdle

From left, US Representative Steve Chabot, then-Republican US vice presidential candidate Mike Pence and Pence’s wife, Karen, wave to the crowd during an election campaign rally in Mason, Ohio, on Oct. 17 last year.
Photo: AP

A bill that seeks to encourage visits between Taiwan and the US at all levels was on Thursday passed by a US House of Representatives subcommittee in the first step toward its legislation.


Politicalization of Chi’s death wrong

When news of documentary filmmaker Chi Po-lin’s (齊柏林) unexpected passing in a helicopter crash broke last weekend, it is no exaggeration to say that the hearts of nearly everyone in Taiwan were saddened by the loss of a man who had literally risked life to capture the nation in all its glory.

However, as the nation mourned the acclaimed director, eyebrows were raised when the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) made an unprecedentedly poor decision by saying that Chi was “an outstanding KMT member.”


Taiwan must take control of its fate

On May 28, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, unnerved by what she interpreted as US President Donald Trump’s lack of commitment to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty — which states that in the event one member of NATO is attacked, all other members will come to its aid — signaled a change in her approach to future security arrangements for Europe.

“We really must take our fate into our own hands,” Merkel said.


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Several activists staged a “Rather Nude than Nuke” rally on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office yesterday to coincide with the 25th -anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster today.

The protesters urged President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to implement a national energy policy and to take proactive action to prevent nuclear disasters.

The protest, led by former -Taiwan Environmental Protection Union (TEPU) secretary-general Ho Tsung-hsun (何宗勳), started with the activists singing the rally’s theme song.