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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

DPP in danger of regression

Reactions from several leading Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members in response to former premier William Lai’s (賴清德) decision to challenge President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) re-election bid have been disappointing and raise questions over their dedication to the values that the party’s name suggests.

Shortly after Lai on March 18 registered for the DPP’s presidential primary, senior members — including Presidential Office Secretary-General Chen Chu (陳菊), DPP Secretary-General Luo Wen-jia (羅文嘉) and Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) — stressed the importance of unity, with Chen declaring her support for Tsai, while DPP Legislator Chen Ming-wen (陳明文) led 34 party lawmakers in signing a letter endorsing the president.


Clean fighting key to party politics

It is said that a set of broken bowls and plates are hanging on one of the walls in the home of an eminent older Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) member in Yilan. According to the story, during the dangwai (黨外, “outside the party”) era, many of the leaders of what would later become the DPP met in this house to discuss the movement’s direction.

During one discussion, the argument became so heated that the plates and bowls on the table were broken. However, no matter how heated the argument, when the beer came out after the meeting, everyone was happy, and they kissed and made up because they all knew it was nothing personal.


NTNU students petition to boycott ‘fake news’

A Facebook post by National Taiwan Normal University’s Nylon’s Canteen student group calls on people to change TV stations to avoid fake news and protect freedom.
Screen grab from Nylon’s Canteen’s Facebook page

National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) students have joined those from National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Chengchi University (NCCU) in calling for a boycott of CtiTV News over what they call its “fake news coverage.”


DPP needs fair, open, ‘paradigm-setting’ primary: Lai

Former premier William Lai speaks at the launch of his new book in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) needs to hold a fair, open and “paradigm-setting” presidential primary to regain the public’s trust, former premier and presidential hopeful William Lai (賴清德) said yesterday.


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Academics assessing the nation’s democratic performance during the first half of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) term yesterday urged the public “to provoke disputes” to revive the system of checks and balances that they said has been noticeably weakened under Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) rule.

“The nation’s democracy has been in peril these past two years and I have been wondering on ways to resolve it, and my conclusion is that intellectuals must use [their] knowledge to provoke [public] disputes,” said Liu Chin-hsing (劉進興), professor of chemistry at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.