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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China ‘targeting personal links’

The title and logo of the Mainland Affairs Council are seen on a podium at the council’s Taipei offices in an undated photograph.
Photo: Chung Li-hua, Taipei Times

Information warfare by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not stop at the Internet, but also targets people-to-people connections, the Mainland Affairs Council’s (MAC) advisory committee said in a summary of committee proceedings released on Friday.


‘Sally Ride’ berths at Port of Keelung

The US’ Sally Ride research vessel flies the Republic of China flag at the Port of Keelung on Thursday.
Photo courtesy of Lin Lu-hung

The US’ Sally Ride, its newest research vessel, berthed at the Port of Keelung on Thursday as it makes its way to international waters near Palau with a research team that includes faculty and students from National Taiwan University’s Institute of Oceanography.


Tracking claim a disservice to Han

Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) on Wednesday urged the administration of President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) to order the intelligence agencies to immediately stop all surveillance efforts that could give her an unfair advantage in the presidential election campaign, doubling down on his claim that the government has been spying on him.

Tsai should act according to her conscience and ask herself whether she spied on him, instead of forcing him to press charges, which would be pointless against the “state apparatus,” Han said the day after the Presidential Office urged him to “immediately press charges” if he believed he was being monitored.


Old ideas from the New Party

In September 2014, New Party Chairman Yok Mu-ming (郁慕明), accompanied by the party’s spiritual leader, Hsu Li-nung (許歷農), led a contingent of Taiwanese politicians to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) in Beijing. This was three years before Hsu declared that the New Party would no longer oppose the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and would push for unification.

At the meeting, Xi told Yok that the “one country, two systems” model would be the optimal way to peacefully and respectfully unify the political systems of China and Taiwan under the umbrella of the Chinese nation.


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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks to reporters during the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Saturday.
Photo: AFP

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday said that if Western nations failed to fulfill their promises to support Ukraine’s independence, it would have damaging consequences worldwide, including for Taiwan.

Russian troops are massed near Ukraine’s borders, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has overseen military exercises by strategic nuclear missile forces, but Russia rejects Western concerns that it is poised to invade.