Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Book on 228 atrocities released

A copy of The Truth About the 228 Incident and Transitional Justice Reports is pictured at its launch at the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum yesterday.
Photo: CNA

A new book shedding light on the atrocities committed by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) during the 228 Massacre was launched by the 228 Memorial Foundation yesterday


Tsai inauguration a rare opportunity

Three US senators on Thursday last week called on US President Donald Trump to send a delegation to attend President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) second inauguration scheduled for May 20.

The move would be within the scope of the Taiwan Travel Act, which was signed into law by Trump on March 17, 2018. The act allows “officials at all levels of the United States government, including Cabinet-level national security officials, general officers and other executive branch officials, to travel to Taiwan to meet their Taiwanese counterparts.”


Taiwanese value their democracy

A poll conducted by Focus Survey Research has found that 83.2 percent of Taiwanese see themselves as strictly Taiwanese, 6.7 percent see themselves as both Taiwanese and Chinese, and 5.3 percent identify as only Chinese. The remainder had no opinion or declined to respond.

These figures provide powerful insights into Taiwan’s present-day democracy and the imagined community that it signifies.


Italy’s ignorance must be checked

In total disregard of Taiwan’s efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Italian government on Feb. 2 suspended all flights from Taiwan. Then, on Feb. 25, it announced that anyone entering Italy who had recently stopped in Taiwan must undergo mandatory home quarantine for 14 days.

This is anti-scientific, runs contrary to the norms of epidemic prevention and damages the dignity of Taiwan. It amounts to serious discrimination and Taiwanese should strenuously oppose it. The government must take immediate countermeasures.


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Warden Lin Jung-chi of Fonggang Village in Pingtung County’s Fangshan Township yesterday drives a tractor laden with household supplies, as stores in Fonggang and Shanyu villages were closed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant.
Photo courtesy of the Pingtung County Government via CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday announced enhanced measures for preventing the spread of the Delta virus variant associated with a cluster of infections in Pingtung County, as it reported 78 locally transmitted cases and 13 deaths.