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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Virus Outbreak: Five more imported cases confirmed

Centers for Disease Control Deputy Director-General Chuang Jen-hsiang speaks at a Central Epidemic Command Center news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Five imported cases of COVID-19, four from the Philippines and one from Hong Kong, were reported yesterday, bringing the total confirmed cases in Taiwan to 467, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday.


Pompeo raises alarm on Xi’s China

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just dropped the other shoe in the White House’s multidimensional response to the hydra-headed existential challenge from communist China. Yet his sweeping address at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum on Thursday was the most powerful yet — a virtual declaration of a new cold war and a call for global delegitimization of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) rule through what amounts to regime change.

Although he did not explicitly mention either a cold war or regime change — terms that send shudders through the foreign policy establishment — Pompeo made it clear that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ideology and worldview are incompatible with a peaceful civilized world.


Military eyeing defense against ‘drone swarm’

A Special Service Company officer operates an anti-drone device in an undated photograph.
Screen grab from the Liberty Times’ Web site

The military is looking into countermeasures against the possible use of a “drone swarm” as part of a Chinese “decapitation strike” against Taiwan, a military official said on Saturday.


Referendum with elections is best: speaker

Legislative Speaker You Si-kun speaks at an event in Taipei on Thursday.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Legislative Speaker You Si-kun touted the benefits of holding a referendum in 2022 along with the nine-in-one elections to deal with constitutional issues such as lowering the legal voting age and abolishing the Control Yuan and the Examination Yuan.


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Taiwan’s participation at the International Criminal Police Organization’s (Interpol) annual summit in Indonesia in November has been obstructed, the Criminal Investigation Bureau said yesterday.

The bureau has not received an invitation from Interpol and attempts to take part in the summit have “not gone well,” bureau Deputy Director Lu Chun-chang (呂春長) said at a question-and-answer session of the legislature’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee.