Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The future of US-Taiwan relations

The US presidential election is to take place on Tuesday, and given the considerable role that the “leader of the free world” plays in geopolitical affairs, it is important to consider the implications for Taiwan of either a re-election for US President Donald Trump or a victory for former US vice president Joe Biden.

Biden has a lead nationally and in most battleground states, but if anything has been learned from the 2016 elections it is that polls do not always get it right, and who will be the president of the US would not be decided until the last vote has been counted.


NCC must stand firm against KMT

CTi News’ six-year broadcasting license is set to expire on Dec. 11. It remains unclear whether it will be renewed, and many are calling on the National Communications Commission (NCC) not to renew it due to the channel’s pro-China leanings.

Beijing is worried, but dares not say anything for fear of making the case for the critics of the news channel. However, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) is throwing its full weight behind a campaign for CTi News’ license to be renewed, decrying damage to freedom of expression in its opening salvo. If the situation were not so serious, it would have been comical.


Shutting down Chinese propaganda

On July 23, in a speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in California, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized China, saying: “We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] exploit our free and open society. China sent propagandists into our press conferences, our research centers, our high schools, our colleges, and even into our PTA [parent-teacher association] meetings.”

On Oct. 14, Pompeo and US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos sent a joint letter to state commissioners of education, saying that Confucius Classrooms — a subset of China’s Confucius Institutes — are a government influence operation masquerading as a cultural and language organization, and that they should not be allowed in the US’ educational system.


US senators propose China ‘genocide’ declaration

US Senator Marco Rubio speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington on June 10.
Photo: Reuters

US senators on Tuesday sought to declare that China is committing genocide against Uighurs and other Turkic-speaking Muslims, drawing a rebuke from Beijing.


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A 51-year-old cab driver set himself on fire outside the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) building yesterday.

At about 3:30pm yesterday, Chen Pao-kuo drove his taxi to the front of the MOJ building.

A security guard who had been at the front door thought the driver was dropping someone off, but when he went to open the car door, he discovered that the driver had poured liquid on himself and set himself on fire, police officers said.