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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Lithuania plans to open office in Taiwan: report

Leaders of Lithuania’s ruling coalition pose for photographers on Nov. 9 last year.
Photo: Screen grab from Facebook

Lithuania plans to open a representative office in Taiwan, and leave a Beijing-led alliance with central and eastern European nations, Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT) quoted a lawmaker as saying on Tuesday.


Ma, Jaw can help as guinea pigs

Vaccination strategies are highly scientific, with best practices for vaccine selection and vaccination procedures depending on a country’s particular situation.

However, politicians can always be relied on to politicize an issue. In this case, former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and would-be president Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) are blatant examples. As well as singing the praises of Chinese vaccines, they have escalated the vaccination strategy issue into a Taiwan Strait issue.


Two US lawmakers introduce bill on recognizing Taiwan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday thanked two US lawmakers for proposing a resolution urging their country to scrap its “one China” policy and recognize Taiwan as an independent nation.

The concurrent resolution was introduced by US representatives Tom Tiffany and Scott Perry, both Republicans.


KMT fakes its opposition to China

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Lin Wei-chou (林為洲) talked about “opposing the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]” in a recent Facebook post, writing that opposing the CCP is not the special reserve of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Not long after, many people within the KMT received a mysterious letter signed “Chinese Nationalist Party Central Committee” containing what looked like a declaration of opposition to, and a call to arms against, the CCP.

Unexpectedly, the KMT’s Culture and Communications Committee came forward with a clarification, saying that the letter was not sent by the KMT and telling the public not to believe this piece of “fake news.”


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Police in China’s restive Xinjiang region have launched a fresh manhunt aimed at capturing fugitives wanted in connection with deadly ethnic violence in July this year, state media said yesterday.

The regional public security bureau’s “Strike Hard and Rectify” campaign, which began on Sunday, will run until the end of the year, the Xinjiang Daily reported.