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China blocks NGO chairman from UN

Tseng Min-chieh, chairman of Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders, right, is pictured in an undated photograph.
Photo provided by Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders

A Taiwan non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the treatment of rare diseases was barred from a UN-affiliated meeting in New York because of a protest from China.


HK lawyers march against NPC ruling

Members of Hong Kong’s legal community and law students from the University of Hong Kong walk silently last night along Queensway to protest against the Chinese government’s interference in the territory’s judicial affairs.
Photo: EPA

Hundreds of Hong Kong lawyers dressed in black yesterday marched through the heart of the territory in silence to condemn a move by China that effectively bars two elected pro-independence lawmakers from taking their seats in the legislature.


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The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) yesterday apologized on behalf of its chairman, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), after he discussed a public opinion poll on the Yilan County commissioner election, but insisted that Ma did not do this to influence the election.

Article 53 of the Election and Recall Act (選舉罷免法) prohibits individuals and political parties from reporting on, publishing, ­commenting on or quoting the results of opinion polls in the 10 days leading up to an election.