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Hong Kong officially kills extradition bill

The Hong Kong Legislative Council yesterday formally withdrew planned legislation that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, but the move was unlikely to end months of unrest, as it met just one of the five demands of pro-democracy protesters.

The rallying cry of the protesters, who have trashed public buildings in the Chinese-ruled territory, set street fires and thrown Molotov cocktails at police, has been “five demands, not one less,” meaning that the withdrawal of the bill makes no difference.


FIDH congress opens in Taipei

President Tsai Ing-wen delivers a speech yesterday at the opening ceremony of the 40th International Federation for Human Rights congress in Taipei.
Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) yesterday opened its 40th congress in Taipei, the first time the event has been held in Asia.


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Rockets are launched from a Thunderbolt-2000 multiple-launch rocket system in a live-fire exercise during the annual Han Kuang exercises in May last year. The domestically produced platform is designed to attack disembarking amphibious landing forces.
Photo courtesy of Military News Agency

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) does not yet have the military capability to wage an all-out war against Taiwan, given the demanding geological environment of the Taiwan Strait, a Ministry of National Defense report said.