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US to defend Taiwan in attack: Biden

US President Joe Biden speaks during a CNN-hosted town hall meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, on Thursday.
Photo: Reuters
The US would come to Taiwan’s defense and has a commitment to defend the nation China claims as its own, US President Joe Biden said on Thursday, although the White House later said there was no change in policy toward Taiwan.


UN must not bow to PRC on Resolution 2758: MOFA

A UN flag flies over the main entrance of the UN’s Palais des Nations building in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sept. 29.
Photo: AFP

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday urged the UN not to yield to China, stressing that UN Resolution 2758 does not say that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) can represent Taiwan.

The ministry issued the remarks as Monday next week marks the 50th anniversary of the resolution, which gave the Repulic of China’s seat in the UN to the PRC.


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US president-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of state reaffirmed the US’ commitment to Taiwan based on the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) and the “six assurances” during a US Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday.

“We’ve made an important commitment to Taiwan,” through the TRA and the “six assurances,” and such commitments should be reaffirmed, former Exxon Mobil chief executive Rex Tillerson said in response to questions from US Senator Cory Gardner regarding the incoming administration’s position on Taiwan and the “one China” policy.