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Ma rules out new US beef negotiations

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday rejected the possibility of renegotiating the recent pact on importing US beef, saying his administration was more cautious than the former Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) government in relaxing restrictions on US beef products.

Emphasizing it was “unnecessary” to relaunch negotiations with Washington, Ma said attempting to renegotiate the protocol would seriously undermine the country’s credibility.


Next 12 months key for US arms sales: analyst

The next 12 months will be a definitive period for US military sales to Taiwan, with US President Barack Obama having to make some tough decisions that could jeopardize the US’ relations with China, a Washington conference was told.

Bernard Cole, a professor at the National War College, said China was expanding and modernizing its armed forces — from ballistic missiles to submarines — in a clear attempt to “deter and delay” US entry into any military confrontation with Taiwan.

Last Updated ( Friday, 30 October 2009 07:08 ) Read more...

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Senior WHO officials sent out an internal memo on Sept. 14 last year asking WHO agencies to be kept aware that Taiwan is a “Province of China,” pursuant to an arrangement with Beijing.

The confidential memo, released by a lawmaker yesterday and published by the Liberty Times (the Taipei Times’ sister newspaper) the same day, says that procedures used by the WHO to facilitate relations with Taiwan and how these relations operate were subject to Chinese — and not Taiwanese — approval.

The authenticity of the document has been confirmed with the WHO, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland.