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KMT apologizes over Ma poll remark

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) yesterday apologized on behalf of its chairman, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), after he discussed a public opinion poll on the Yilan County commissioner election, but insisted that Ma did not do this to influence the election.

Article 53 of the Election and Recall Act (選舉罷免法) prohibits individuals and political parties from reporting on, publishing, ­commenting on or quoting the results of opinion polls in the 10 days leading up to an election.


Morakot victims demand to be rehoused

Several hundred Aborigines from communities seriously affected by Typhoon Morakot staged a protest outside the Executive Yuan yesterday demanding that the government immediately relocate them from temporary accommodation in military camps.

Demonstrators from the Siraya, Piwan, Rukai, Bunun and Tsou people urged the Executive Yuan’s Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council to help the communities resume their tribal and family lives by accommodating them in prefabricated houses.


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A Beijing official’s claim that Chinese tourists were avoiding Kaohsiung because certain people in the city were aligning themselves with Tibetan and Uighur separatist forces demonstrated ignorance and “hurt the feelings of Taiwan’s people,” Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Chairwoman Lai Shin-yuan (賴幸媛) said yesterday.

Lai was referring to comments that China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Spokeswoman Fan Liqing (范麗青) made on Wednesday in response to media inquiries about the falling number of Chinese tourists visiting Kaohsiung.