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Former diplomat skeptical about benefits of an ECFA

Former diplomat and trade expert Benjamin Lu (魯肇忠) is calling on the Ma administration to clearly explain and reveal all details of a proposed economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China before developing the pact any further with Beijing.

“People in Taiwan are very much concerned about an ECFA, but strangely the government is keeping them in the dark,” he said during an interview in Washington, where he is currently visiting family.


US official hints at PRC concerns over arms sale

In his first public comments since returning from important two-day talks in Beijing earlier this month, US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg did not sound overly optimistic about the future of the US-China relationship.

Asked if arms sales to Taiwan and the recent visit to the White House by the Dalai Lama could result in relations deteriorating before they get better, Steinberg sought to avoid the question.


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A new study by the conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI) said the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) had failed to stand up to Beijing.

It said that following the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), Taipei appears “content to accept” whatever increase in the nation’s international status Beijing allows.

“Such is the path of least resistance, but one that does not necessarily lead to the brightest future,” the study said.