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Activists say Ma, CCP conspiring

Dozens of activists protested yesterday against a trade pact with Beijing they claim is the result of a conspiracy between the Taiwanese and Chinese governments.

The demonstrators assembled outside the legislature, which is currently in recess, chanting slogans against the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) and President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九).


Chinese dissident trapped in limbo

A Chinese dissident seeking refuge in Taiwan accused President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of failing to speak up for human rights in China and said he feared he could face a lengthy prison sentence, or worse, if deported back home.

Cai Lujun (蔡陸軍), a 53 year-old former businessman who escaped China disguised as a fisherman almost three years ago, spent more than three years behind bars in a Chinese prison after he posted a series of online articles criticizing Beijing’s leadership and blasting the Chinese Communist Party for what he called “holding fake elections.”


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Former president Chen Shui-bian is escorted by security staff following a medical procedure in a hospital in Greater Taichung on Dec. 13, last year. Minister of Justice Luo Ying-shay yesterday denied involvement or giving instructions on a judiciary hearing on Chen’s medical parole request.
Photo: Tsai Shu-yuan, Taipei Times

The Taiwan High Court yesterday rejected former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) application for medical parole, saying his case should be taken up in the administrative court.

The High Court added that the decision could be appealed in the Supreme Court.

The judges said Chen’s parole case relates to his treatment at prison facilities controlled by the Ministry of Justice’s Agency of Corrections, so it comes under the jurisdiction of the administrative authority.