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US deploys three subs in Asia

Three Ohio-class nuclear submarines — heavily armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles — are now making a show of US military power closer than usual to China.

US defense analysts, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the vessels were in place to demonstrate US commitment to nervous allies in the region.


US rules out Taiwan free-trade agreement

The US has ruled out a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Taiwan amid a dispute over beef imports, days after the nation signed a sweeping accord with China.

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has tried to sell the landmark accord with China to voters in part by arguing that Taiwan would now be able to pursue FTAs with more countries, as Beijing would no longer object.


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International human rights campaigners yesterday testified at a Legislative Yuan hearing on religious persecution and human rights violations in China, while lawmakers and rights advocates called for a refugee law to be enacted and aid sent to persecuted Chinese.

US-based China Aid Association president Bob Fu (傅希秋) said a series of religious persecutions in China’s Zhejiang Province began in July at an unprecedented rate, with more than 1,300 people detained, interrogated or missing, and crosses at more than 1,700 churches demolished.