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Academics speak out against new Kuokuang plant

Former Academia Sinica president Lee Yuan-tseh (李遠哲) yesterday spoke out against a Kuokuang Petrochemical Technology (國光石化) development project, saying the nation would head in the wrong direction if the plant were to be built.

Lee’s appeal to cancel the plan was endorsed by 18 Academia Sinica members, as well as 1,173 university professors in Taiwan and the US.


Siangsiliao farmers win land reprieve

Farming activists and environmentalists celebrated after the Taiwan High Administrative Court yesterday ordered the Central Taiwan Science Park to halt all expansion activities pending a ruling on two ongoing lawsuits.

The science park’s two latest expansion projects — one in Taichung County’s Houli Township (后里) and the other in Changhua County’s Erlin Township (二林) — have sparked controversy in recent years as farmers oppose government expropriation of their farmlands to make way for the science park.


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Noting that ethics and integrity are essential to those aspiring to engage in politics and social movements, former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman Lin I-hsiung (林義雄) yesterday said that empty campaign promises have cheapened Taiwanese politics.

In a speech delivered at an event organized by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Yilan County, Lin said President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) made many pledges during his presidential campaign that he failed to honor after being elected.