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Minister advocates self-reliance defense policy

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu speaks at the legislature in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

Taiwan must be prepared to defend itself, Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) said yesterday after documents reportedly showed that Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) had considered invading the nation in the fall.


US law bans ‘inaccurate’ Taiwan maps

A map posted on Twitter by the National Football League on Dec. 16 last year shows Taiwan in the same color as China.
Photo: Screen grab from the National Football League Communications’ Twitter account

US President Joe Biden on Friday signed into law a sweeping US$1.5 trillion spending bill, which includes a ban on the use of any maps by the US Department of State and its foreign operations that “inaccurately” depict Taiwan as part of China.


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Various groups yesterday hold a news conference outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office criticizing prosecutors for “passing the buck” and failing to bring charges against former president Ma Ying-jeou for his alleged involvement in the controversial Taipei Dome project when he served as Taipei mayor.
Photo: CNA

Pro-localization groups yesterday accused prosecutors of not taking the necessary steps to prosecute former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) for his suspected role in the Taipei Dome project and a classified information leak, demanding that they take action immediately.