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Group demands UN membership

A pro-Taiwanese independence civic group embarked yesterday on a weeklong journey to New York City to advocate the country’s right to bid for UN membership under the name Taiwan.

At a press conference held in Taipei yesterday before their departure, the group said “the annual trip to New York marks a continued effort by the people of Taiwan since 1979 to express their wish to be recognized by the UN.”


MOE holds first hearing on new history curriculum

The Ministry of Education’s first public hearing on a controversial draft of high school history curriculum guidelines ended yesterday amid debates over whether Taiwan’s history should be traced back to ancient Chinese history.

During the hearing held at Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School, pro-independence groups protested the ministry’s draft to merge ancient Taiwanese history with that of ancient Chinese.


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Charred body of Kunchok Tenzin

DHARAMSHALA, March 29: A monk from Mogri Monastery in Luchu in Eastern Tibet has set himself on fire in an apparent protest against China’s continuing occupation of Tibet.

“Kunchok Tenzin set himself ablaze at a road intersection near his monastery at 7pm (local time) on Tuesday, March 26,” said Kanyag Tsering of Dharamsala-based Kirti Monastery, who closely monitors self-immolations inside Tibet. Twenty-eight-year-old Tenzin died in his fiery protest.