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Home The News News DPP urges unity on bill addressing UN resolution

DPP urges unity on bill addressing UN resolution

Lawmakers from all political parties should support a proposed motion that would clarify UN Resolution 2758, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators told a news conference yesterday, but opposition party members later walked out of a cross-party meeting when the topic was raised.

DPP legislators Chiu Yi-ying (邱議瑩), Michelle Lin (林楚茵), Su Chiao-hui (蘇巧慧) and Puma Shen (沈伯洋) said that the news conference was held to “oppose China’s distortion of UN Resolution 2758 and call on all political parties to speak up for Taiwan.”

UN Resolution 2758 does not have anything to do with Taiwan’s sovereignty and international status, and Taiwan rejects China’s attempts to distort the truth, they said.

From left, Democratic Progressive Party legislators Su Chiao-hui, Chiu Yi-ying, Michelle Lin and Puma Shen gesture at a news conference at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.

Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

The US House of Representatives in July last year passed the Taiwan International Solidarity Act, which affirms that UN Resolution 2758 does not refer to Taiwan, a sentiment echoed in July by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China’s own resolution.

More recently, the Australian Senate and the Dutch House of Representatives also passed motions clarifying the definition of UN Resolution 2758.

Now is the time for Taiwan to unite and make its voice heard by the international community, Chiu said.

UN Resolution 2758 should no longer block Taiwan from international participation, she said.

The motions in Australia and the Netherlands reflect Taiwan’s growing support abroad, Su said.

UN Resolution 2758 directly affects issues such as encroachment of Chinese fishing vessels into Taiwan’s waters and the M503 flight route, Su said.

Clarifying Taiwan’s international status would allow for it to join international organizations, she said.

The international movement to clarify Resolution 2758, as well as the recent transit of a German ship through the Taiwan Strait, show that Taiwan is important to the world, Lin said.

Now is the time for solidarity, Lin said, adding that the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) should give up their alignment with Beijing’s position and give Taiwan back to Taiwanese.

The lack of clarity regarding Resolution 2758 lies at the heart of an international legal battle between China and the world, Shen said.

As China continues to expand its jurisdiction, Taiwan must know how to respond to the country’s legal challenges.

After the news conference, Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) convened talks on the new legislative session.

During the meeting, the DPP caucus proposed a joint statement from all parties, but Han and other KMT legislators, as well as those from the TPP, walked out of the meeting.

“I had to fight back tears; this is the reality of Taiwan’s situation,” DPP caucus secretary-general Rosalia Wu (吳思瑤) said, describing the feeling of reading the proposed statement to a room without opposition lawmakers in attendance.

The KMT and the TPP are disregarding what is best for Taiwan, Wu said.

The DPP will appeal to the public to ensure that the international community hears the true voice of the people, she said.

Source: Taipei Times - 2024/09/19

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