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Home The News News Four self immolation in Tibet in 2 days

Four self immolation in Tibet in 2 days

Tsephag Kyab, 21, set himself on fire in Labrang region in Sangchu County, Eastern Tibet
Tsephag Kyab, 21, set himself on fire in Labrang region in Sangchu County, Eastern Tibet

DHARAMSHALA, October 27: Four Tibetans have immolated themselves in just two days in three different regions of Tibet.

Tsephag Kyab, 21, set himself on fire yesterday around 7 PM (local time) in Labrang Sangkho in Sangchu. He succumbed to his injuries at the protest site.

Tsephag is survived by his wife Dorjee Dolma, 18, mother Lumo Jam and an elder brother named Tashi Dhondup.

Thupten, a Tibetan living in South India with a close contact in a region said, “A large number of local Tibetans gathered in a region and prevent the Chinese forces from taking Tsephag’s body.”

His charred body is currently in the hand of his family members.

Thupten cited witnesses saying Tsephag raised the slogans demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Tibet and Release of Panchen Rinpoche Gedun Choekyi Nyima and other Political prisoners.

“Following the self immolation, a large number of Chinese Armed Forces and Chinese Security forces are deployed in the area and the situation is described as tense and under strict surveillance.

Earlier the same day, Lhamo Tseten, 24, set himself on fire near the Amchok Township Court at 2:30 PM (local time) in Sangchu County in Amdo, Eastern Tibet. He succumbed to his injuries at the protest site.

On October 25, Two Tibetans set themselves ablaze in Nagro Phampa township in Driru County, Kham.

Tsepo, 20 and Tenzin, 25 set themselves on fire near a school in Nagro Phampa region. Tsepo is believed to be dead while there is no information on Tenzin's condition and his whereabouts.

They raised slogans demanding return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom in Tibet.

Tenzin was a former student of TCV Suja where he had studied for around six months.

Since 2009, 62 Tibetans have set themselves on fire demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Tibet and Freedom in Tibet.

Source: Phayul.com

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this picture taken from a cellphone shows the body of the self immolator, minutes after the fire was doused

DHARAMSALA, AUGUST 6: A Tibetan monk died minutes after setting himself ablaze near Boudhanath stupa in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu earlier today (0730 hrs local time). The monk has been identified as Karma Nyedon Gyatso. Karma was from Damshung in Tibet and had arrived at the Kathmandu Tibetan Refugee Reception Centre on 30th January 2012.

An eye witness told phayul that the monk, probably in his thirties, was sitting crosslegged when she saw his lap on fire. "I thought he accidentally caught fire while lighting butter lamps. Then I saw him pour a bottle of fluid, petrol maybe, over his head and went up in flames right before my eyes."