Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Dear Sir or Madam:
I have always been a great admirer of Starbucks.  Its spectacular success in business.  Entrepreneurial aptitude.  Classy yet homey approach.  And above all, its uncompromising attitude in pursuing a high ethical standard such as serving environmentally friendly coffee.
However, I am deeply disappointed to find out that my country, Taiwan, has been listed as a "province of XXXXX," a country that shall not be named due to its horrible records in human rights and liberty.
Such an action repudiates Starbucks' admirable ethics records in the past.
If you want our money to invest in your stocks, or as your loyal customers, remove the words "province of XXXXX" from all web pages and Starbucks' documents.  Everywhere.  Everyplace.
Yi-Chang (Leo) Wang
Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation
June 4, 2009; Thusday

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Draft amendments to allow people accused of spying for China to be indicted on foreign aggression charges and to allow political parties to be indicted on organized crime charges was approved yesterday by the legislature’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee.

Prosecutors have traditionally cited the National Security Act (國家安全法) when indicting alleged Chinese spies because the treason and foreign aggression offenses stipulated in the Criminal Code only apply to crimes committed on behalf of an “enemy state.”