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Articles of Interest

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# Article Title Author Hits
161 Taiwanese-American students urge using Census 2010 to promote Taiwan Michael Richardson 883
162 Facing up to China The Economist 1115
163 Control Yuan cannot excuse Mayor Ma on Neihu Line probe Taiwan News Editorial 915
164 Ma's policies deepen Taiwan's predicament Taiwan News Editorial 1007
165 Reuters and Associated Press get it wrong on Taiwan's history Michael Richardson 970
166 Endorsement of Lobo sullies Taiwan's democracy Taiwan News Editorial 982
167 The 'one-term' specter over Ma and Obama Taiwan News Editorial 977
168 Taiwan-China ECFA unequal from start Taiwan News Editorial 902
169 What Haiti earthquake can teach Taiwan Taiwan News Editorial 1017
170 Ma is on the wrong track for Taiwan Taiwan News Editorial 1099
171 KMT turns back clock on Taiwan media reform Taiwan News Editorial 1257
172 KMT asserts ownership of Taiwan prosecutors Taiwan News Editorial 1039
173 Taiwan and the future in the U.S.-Japan alliance Taiwan News Editorial 958
174 Ma should not confuse leadership with force Taiwan News Editorial 814
175 KMT moves to reverse Taiwan democracy Taiwan News Editorial 1103
176 Scholar says new probe of Lin family murders is a continuing cover-up Michael Richardson 1150
177 Drop presidential tour to help Haiti, Taiwan Taiwan News Editorial 927
178 New KMT scheme to keep local power in Taiwan Taiwan News Editorial 856
179 Freedom House warns on rights in Taiwan Taiwan News Editorial 1034
180 Exam-free policy risks Taiwan education quality Taiwan News Editorial 1575
Page 9 of 13


Political polarization, self-censorship and indirect Chinese influence limit the diversity of opinions represented in Taiwan’s mainstream media, according to a new report from the US-based watchdog Freedom House.

The report, Freedom of the Press 2013, was released in Washington on Wednesday and generally gave Taiwan a high rating, but said that the legal environment had become slightly more restrictive over the past year.