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Home Editorials of Interest Jerome F. Keating's writings

Jerome F. Keating's writings

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# Article Title Author Hits
241 Taiwan and China, Geographically Close but Miles Apart Otherwise Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 2181
242 Time has come for ‘consensus of 1996’ Jerome Keating 624
243 The 1996 Consensus, an Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come! Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1264
244 "Formosa Betrayed" Movie Review by Roger Ebert Lays it Bare Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1321
245 Taiwan's Poltical Soap Opera Update: The Diane Lee Effect and Justice Served? Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 928
246 February 28, 2-28, Taiwan Remains a Day of Mixed Emotions Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1050
247 Taiwan, As the World Turns in February, Chou Hsi-wei Breaks down in Tears Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1028
248 Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou Continues to Invite Voters to Live in his Fantasy World Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1242
249 Taiwan's Double Standard and the "Dogs of Bias" Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1742
250 Cohen Points Out the Continued Hypocrisy of Ma Ying-jeou's Government I Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1342
251 Taiwan Struggles with Its Identity and the GIO is No Help Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1058
252 Forcing Taiwan's KMT to Face the Reality of Loss Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1078
253 Taiwan's Great ECFA Debate that Never Was and Probably Never Will Be Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1035
254 The KMT's Sordid Past Relives Itself under Ma Ying-jeou Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1026
255 Friedman Leaves Me Cold, Flat, and Disgusted Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 967
256 Taiwan, January 2010: As the World Turns Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 814
257 Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou Rules by Fiat, Why then is No One Listening? Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1017
258 Taiwan Up, Now There is an Embarassing Expression Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1152
259 Where's the Beef? It's Smell the Coffee Time in the USA Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 820
260 Taiwan's Prosecutors Continue to Abuse Their Power Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 797
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Chen Guangcheng, second from left, walks with Kurt Campbell, U.S. assistant secretary of state, fourth from left, Gary Locke, U.S. Ambassador to China, third from left, and U.S. State Department legal adviser Harold Koh, left, in Beijing, China, on Wednesday.
Photo: Bloomberg

US President Barack Obama administration’s diplomatic predicament deepened yesterday, when a blind Chinese legal activist who took refuge in the US embassy said he now wants to go abroad, rejecting a deal that was supposed to keep him safely in China.

Only hours after Chen Guangcheng (陳光誠) left the embassy for a hospital checkup and reunion with his family, he began telling friends and foreign media they feel threatened and want to go abroad. At first taken aback at the reversal, the US State Department said officials spoke twice by phone with Chen and met with his wife, with both affirming their desire to leave.