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Home Activity Slideshow

Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
991 2015-01-04 Holy Mountain PaPaGo CXLIX Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 343
992 2015-01-02 Holy Mountain - Cement Paving for the Sky Ladder Trail Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 337
993 2015-01-05 Go Home - President Chen's Medical Parole Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 451
994 2015-01-03 Holy Mountain - Initiation of the Monument of Dr. Chai Trong-rong, Tâi-uân-sîn Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 429
995 2015-01-01 Holy Mountain - Cement Molding for the Sky Ladder Trail Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 480
996 2014-12-31 President Chen still not released by Luo Ying-shay and Ma Ying-jeou Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 353
997 2014-12-28 Holy Mountain PaPaGo CXLVIII Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 343
998 2014-12-28 Northen Taichung Tati(Daixde) Branch Year-end Clean-up Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 344
999 2014-12-27 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 329
1000 2014-12-27 Hualien Tati(Daixde) Branch Year-end Clean-up Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 365
Page 100 of 228


Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation chairman You Ying-lung presents the results of the foundation’s monthly opinion poll at a news conference held yesterday in Taipei.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) approval rating has dropped to below 30 percent, the lowest of her presidency, while Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) has an approval rating of about 70 percent nationwide, one of the highest for any politician in the nation’s history, according to a monthly poll by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation released yesterday.