Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Home Activity Slideshow

Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
581 2017-02-28 228 Central Memorial Ceremony Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 401
582 2017-02-28 Holy Mountain - The Day of 228 Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 282
583 2017-02-27 Walk out of 228 - End the History of Tragedy, Activity Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 299
584 2017-02-27 228.0 Looking for the Truth - 228 70th Anniversary Action Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 322
585 2017-02-27 Tang, Te-chang(湯德章) Unforgettable Righteousness and Courage - New Book Launch Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 294
586 2017-02-25 Holy Moutain Freedom Sqare and Taiwan Heros Mounuments Opening Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 410
587 2017-02-19 228 Rehabilitation and Transition Justice Special Exhibition Opening Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 306
588 2017-02-19 Holy Mountain Event Records Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 399
589 2017-02-18 Prof. Wan-yao Chou(周婉窈): White Terror, Transition Justice and Our Responsibility Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 387
590 2017-02-18 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 586
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The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday accused the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of tampering with an impact assessment report on signing an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China, saying the ministry had deflated potential job losses that could follow the trade deal's implementation.