Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
51 2021-05-01 2021 NTT-TIFA PIÀNN-TIÛNN(拚場) Art Impact "Lîng-tsong(靈蹤)" Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 158
52 2021-04-21 Senior Shan-jhen Huang(黃山貞) Visits Holy Mountain Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 150
53 2021-04-24 Holy Mountain Event Records(Daily & Ecological Life) Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 151
54 2021-04-17 Aboriginal Self-government Pioneers, Philosopher Uyongʉ'e Yatauyungana(高一生), Mounument Opening Concert Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 148
55 2021-04-16 Mr. Uyongʉ'e Yatauyungana(矢多) Memorial Preparation Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 145
56 2021-04-10 Mr. Uyongʉ'e Yatauyungana(矢多) Memorial Preparation & Daily Maintenance Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 145
57 2021-04-07 Visit Chairman Zai-ting Tian(田再庭) Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 150
58 2021-04-04 Ching Ming Holiday - Mr. Uyongʉ'e Yatauyungana(矢多) Memorial Preparation (Day 3) Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 139
59 2021-04-03 Ching Ming Holiday - Mr. Uyongʉ'e Yatauyungana(矢多) Memorial Preparation (Day 2) Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 139
60 2021-04-02 Ching Ming Holiday - Mr. Uyongʉ'e Yatauyungana(矢多) Memorial Preparation (Day 1) Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 148
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Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) was found not guilty by the Taiwan High Court yesterday of directing his aides to give false testimony to prosecutors who were probing his alleged misuse of a special state affairs fund.

The High Court ruling overturned one handed down by the Taipei District Court in July last year, in which Chen was sentenced to two months in jail on charges of urging Ma Yung-cheng (馬永成) and Lin Teh-hsun (林德訓) — who headed Chen’s office at different times during his two terms as president from 2000 to 2008 — to make untrue statements.