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Home Activity Slideshow

Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1821 2010-11-26 Su Tseng-chang Campaign Rally on the Election Eve Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 722
1822 2010-11-26 Su Jia-chuan Campaign Rally at Fulfillment Amphitheatre on the Election Eve Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 566
1823 2010-11-25 Chin Heng-wei chats with Cao Changqing Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 750
1824 2010-11-24 Too Late to Say Goodbye, President A-bian in Prison for Taiwan - Chen Chih-chung Campaign Rally at Kaohsiung Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 595
1825 2010-11-24 CHANG Cyber meeting with Su Jia-chuan, Lin Jialong and Frank Hsieh at Forro Cafe, Taichung Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 606
1826 2010-11-24 踹共! The final knock-out blow! A memorial service to mourn Taichung municipal policy Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 376
1827 2010-11-21 Holy Mountain - Pilgrimage Movement Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 662
1828 2010-11-21 CHANGE! Fight for Future! Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 594
1829 2010-11-20 Cao Changqing - People's Fortune, Misfortune and National Sovereignty Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 688
1830 2010-11-18 Su Jia-chuan Campaign Rallies at Taichung City Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 811
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A leading US expert on the Chinese military says that by 2020, Beijing could have 2,000 or more missiles, nearly 1,000 modern combat aircraft, 60 modern submarines and a potential invasion force of many hundreds of thousands of troops “pointed at Taiwan.”

Richard Fisher, a senior fellow with the International Assessment and Strategy Center near Washington, warned in an article in the Wall Street Journal that the US “should be under no illusion about Beijing’s motives.”

He says that while President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has made historic progress in defusing tensions with China, Beijing has signaled that it wants to end Taiwan’s democratic era.