Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Home Activity Slideshow

Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1531 2012-05-12 Tati(Daixde) Jazz Band - Mom's Day Concert@Holy Mountain, Taiwan Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 658
1532 2012-05-11 Love and Courage, Release Abian, Mother's Day Accompany with Abian's Mom - Blessing Dinner Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 333
1533 2012-05-05 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XLIII Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 674
1534 2012-05-05 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XLII Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 595
1535 2012-05-04 Amnesty for Former President Chen - One Side One Country Alliance Rally at Taichung Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 396
1536 2012-04-29 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XLI Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 582
1537 2012-04-29 Confront Abian, Inspect Ma Ying-jeou Series Forum - Taiwan-Japan Diplomacy: Close v.s. Distant Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 517
1538 2012-04-29 The Incense Still Burning Since 1947 - Dr. Pan Muzhi Memorial Especial Exhibition Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 404
1539 2012-04-28 March For Taiwan - Holy Mountain Visitor from Miaoli Hakka Community Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 373
1540 2012-04-27 Carnival of the Animals - Taiwan and West Blending Concert Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 340
Page 154 of 228


Investor Marc Faber said China’s economy will slow and possibly “crash” within a year as declines in stock and commodity prices signal the nation’s property bubble is set to burst.

The Shanghai Composite Index has failed to regain last year’s high while industrial commodities and shares of Australian resource exporters are acting “heavy,” Faber said. The opening of the World Expo in Shanghai last week is “not a particularly good omen,” he said, citing a property bust and depression that followed the 1873 World Exhibition in Vienna.