Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1031 2014-11-15 Founding of Taiwanese Nationalism - Encounter with Su Beng in Holy Mountain, New Book Presentation at Taipei Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 335
1032 2014-11-09 Su Beng's Birthday Dinner Party Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 348
1033 2014-11-09 Su Beng's Birthday Party and Taiwan's 400-Year History Book Signing Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 359
1034 2014-11-08 Founding of Taiwanese Nationalism - Encounter with Su Beng in Holy Mountain, New Book Released Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 338
1035 2014-11-02 Holy Mountain - Unexpected Visitor, Porf. Yuan Hongbing Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 330
1036 2014-11-01 Holy Mountain - Sharing Nougat! A Gift from Su Beng, Tsan-chu Practitioner Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 383
1037 2014-10-30 Hanging High aganist Oppression at Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Club Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 376
1038 2014-10-28 Su Beng, Tsan-chu Practitioner, Having an Early Birthday Party! Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 309
1039 2014-10-26 Tati(Daixde) Taipei Branch - Tâi-uân-sîn's Plaque Moving and Placement Ritual Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 348
1040 2014-10-19 Prof. Chang Yan-hsien Memorial Service Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 353
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American Institute in Taiwan Chairman Raymond Burghardt yesterday said Chinese pressure on Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to cancel a visit to Taiwan was “unacceptable” and inconsistent with Beijing’s claims it sought to improve ties with Taipei.

Nixon last month scrapped plans to visit Taiwan after a Chicago-based Chinese diplomat warned the trip could imperil a project by China to turn St Louis airport into a hub for Chinese cargo in the US.