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Home Activity Slideshow 2022-11-18 Beautiful Taiwan - Against China Protect Taiwan Dialogue Lecture: Speaker Robert Hsing-cheng Tsao

2022-11-18 Beautiful Taiwan - Against China Protect Taiwan Dialogue Lecture: Speaker Robert Hsing-cheng Tsao

Beautiful Taiwan - Against China Protect Taiwan Dialogue Lecture: Speaker Robert Hsing-cheng Tsao

2022-11-18 Beautiful Taiwan - Against China Protect Taiwan Dialogue Lecture: Speaker Robert Hsing-cheng Tsao

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 February 2023 16:28 )  


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The ruling Kuomintang lost Ilan to the opposition Democratic Progressive Party and Hualien to an independent in Saturday’s local elections, with a review being demanded for Penghu.

The KMT ended up with a total of 12 counties and cities, the DPP with four, in elections widely seen as a popularity test for President Ma Ying-jeou, less than two months after taking office as KMT chairman. The ruling party’s total share of the vote slipped to 47.86 percent, compared to the DPP’s 45.39 percent.