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Home Activity Slideshow 2020-03-08 Keelung 228 Memorial

2020-03-08 Keelung 228 Memorial

Keelung 228 Memorial

2020-03-08 Keelung 228 Memorial

More on Photo Gallery of Tati website(Hanzi)

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 12 February 2023 15:21 )  


The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday called on Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers to set aside partisan politics and agree to establish a special investigative committee to probe last month’s election-eve shooting.

Speaking one day after the opposition party raised the possibility of contesting the election results, DPP lawmakers said the government owed the public a clear and consistent explanation on the attack on KMT Central Committee member Sean Lien (連勝文).